

Barbell Basics

An introductory course to moving well on the primary barbell lifts: the squat, bench press, deadlift, row, and overhead press.

The programme and classes are centered around these movements, and variations of.

This will give you the framework to get brutally strong, improve physique, and give you peace of mind that poor technique is not going to get you injured.

This is not just for powerlifters – positions that you will learn from perfecting these movements will carry over to all of your other resistance exercises regardless of the path you take following this course.

the structure

8 weeks of class, you can attend two classes per week. These classes last from an hour to 90 minutes and are primarily run by our head coach Jeremy.

There are multiple time slots to choose from at lunchtimes, evenings after work, and on the weekend, so you can be sure to get a spot.

Your Barbell Basics membership also grants you unlimited gym access outside of class times, as well as a customised training plan to follow within the class and as an extra outside of class times if you so desire. It also gives you access to a supportive Barbell Basics Facebook group, specific to your class intake.

Classes have a maximum of 5 attendees, so your technique and goals will get a lot of attention.

Broken into two sections: 4 weeks of learning the basics, 4 weeks of refinement followed by some strength testing.

the cost

  • $119/week for 8 weeks.
  • There is also a $99 sign up fee if you are not currently on a monthly or yearly membership, otherwise the sign up is waived.

I'm interested

To register your interest in our upcoming program, please complete the form below:

Want to commit? Sign-up online here!


1-1 training

Hire one of our coaches for one on one sessions within the gym for your powerlifting, strength gain, or body recomposition goals. This can be as a one-off technique check up, or comprehensive coaching with multiple sessions per week or month, including a programme for you to do outside of coaching sessions.

the cost

Pricing varies between coaches, please get in touch.


nutrition services

Nutrition guidelines and/or macronutrient and calorie targets dependent on your goals. Also involves cardiovascular exercise prescription when the context is right.


A within 1-day business day response to any nutrition or cardio questions.

Weekly spreadsheet nutrition & cardio updates.

Optional monthly skype meetings OR fortnightly consultations in-person.

the cost

Pricing varies, please get in touch.

Get in touch

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