meet our coaches


Jeremy Fraser

owner and head coach

Coaching Experience


  • Coached hundreds of competitive powerlifters (a lot of them through their first competition and beyond) as well as multiple national champions and/or national record setters across Australia and New Zealand within drug tested federations.
  • Coached multiple nationally competitive NZ bodybuilders.
  • Coached numerous, non-competitive individuals through strength and muscle gain and fat loss journeys.

General history

I started coaching powerlifters and bodybuilders in early 2014 part-time through my postgraduate study and then throughout 2015 during my Masters, under the brand Catalyst Strength and Physique Coaching. In 2016 I moved to Hobart and expanded the business to in-person as well as online through gyms such as StompFitness and GTT Performance Centre. At GTT, my friend Daniel Reardon and I created Hobart Powerlifting Club in 2019 to host drug tested competitions, which we now host at Catalyst Strength as our Australian Powerlifting Alliance affiliated powerlifting club.
My passions are to develop individuals’ strength and physique through refined, high quality online and in person coaching here at Catalyst Strength. I am heavily interested in both the newer lifter who has an interest in development, as well as those who are highly advanced and looking to place at National level competition and beyond.


  • Master of Science, Merit (Exercise and Sports Science) which specialised inautoregulation for powerlifting programming.
  • Bachelor of Science, First Class Honours (Exercise and Sports Science) which specialised in blood flow-restriction training as an alternative to heavy training. You can read about that here.
  • Bachelor of Science (Human Nutrition and Exercise and Sports Science)
  • Top 10% GPA in Human Nutrition major.

personal competitive highlights

  • Current competition PBs are 205kg squat, 134kg bench and 252.5kg deadlift in the 83kg class.
  • NZPF National records in the squat (172.5kg), deadlift (215kg), and total (495kg) in the 66kg junior class from 2016-2018.
  • 2nd in the 66kg junior class at the Oceania Powerlifting Champs 2016 / 2nd at NZPF Nationals 2016 (66jr) / 3rd at NZPF Nationals 2014 (74jr).



Pricing our coaching packages start from about $40/week, and range all the way up to $400 per week.

These are separate to the gym membership pricing which you can find here.

Each individual coach has their own pricing structure.


nickola orr

strength coach



  • Coached clients towards healthier functioning bodies, pain management and recovery within and outside of the gym.
  • Coached athletes to a national, and international level in the sport of Strongman.
  • Coached clients towards powerlifting competitions across multiple levels, including beginners to advanced.

General history

I’ve spent a lot of my life thinking I was an unathletic person, feeling fundamentally confused about how to fuel and use my body. When I discovered strength training 5 years ago, I was revolutionised by the idea that my body was not as useless as I had always expected, and this led me down the rabbit hole of learning all about strength training, and living a healthier life. 
Through my journey, I have competed nationally in Strongman and Powerlifting, and have done what I can to give back to those communities that helped me find my place and my people. 
Coaching is an opportunity to help offer people the guidance that I sought when I was starting my journey, and is an opportunity to work with YOU and YOUR unique needs and unique body to help empower you, where-ever you’re at, and whatever your goals may be; from gardening into old age, to competing in strength sports within and beyond a national level. 
You might realise you’re stronger than you think.


  • Certificate III in Fitness
  • Certificate IV in Fitness
  • Unconventional Training Academy Kettlebells 1&2
  • Zero Weakness Coaching Development Program
  • MST Systems 12 Module Strength & Conditioning, Periodisation, Anatomy & Biomechanics Course

personal competitive highlights

  • Current Competition PB’s are 185kg Squat, 100kg Bench, 210kg Deadlift in the U84kg Class, and 78kg Log and 130kg Atlas Stone in the u72kg Class
  • 2nd at Australian Powerlifting Alliance Nationals 2024 in the u84kg Class
  • Current Female State Tested Deadlift Record Holder 
  • Current Junior World Record Holder in the Silver Dollar Deadlift of 300kg at u82kg


Pricing our coaching packages start from about $40/week, and range all the way up to $400 per week.

These are separate to the gym membership pricing which you can find here.

Each individual coach has their own pricing structure.

other team members



Quality Control Officer



Quality Control Officer



Mascot and Pest
